Two Woman Bit by Loose Pit Bull in Norfolk

In modern society, we don’t often think of the dangers posed by animals. This is particularly true of the domestic sort. We often trust that our neighbors are acting responsibly when they keep an animal in their home. Most of the time, our trust is justified. Unfortunately, sometimes owners don’t exhibit the level of care needed to protect both people and the animals themselves.

One such incident may have occurred in Norfolk in late January. The police received a 911 call early in the morning concerning a dog biting two women at an intersection. A responding officer was able to get the dog in his squad car – where it was no longer a threat to the public – and the current theory is that the dog escaped from a backyard where it was tied up. Two women were arguing in the front yard and the dog broke free and bit one of the women as she was trying to run away. When the homeowner tried to recoup the dog, she was also bit. The dog is currently being held in a 10-day shelter at the Norfolk Animal Care Shelter.

Properly cared for, many and probably most domestic animals are safe and brighten our communities. Incidents like this serve to remind us that dogs can turn on their owners or the public and that dog bites can be particularly serious. If you have been injured as the result of a dog bite, you may need helping recovering medical bills or seeking other compensation. The attorneys here at Richard J. Serpe, P.C., may be able to help you. Contact us today for your free consultation.