Police Searching for Dangerous Dog, Owner After Newport News Attack

Newport News police are on the lookout for a dangerous dog and his owner. They say a dog named Brody viciously attacked last month. It is said to be the dog’s second serious attack in nine months. The previous incident occurred in December 2016. After the initial incident, the animal was declared a dangerous dog and was upheld in September by the Newport News Circuit Court.

In both attacks, officials say that the dog did not let up when attacking. Even the owner had difficulty pulling the dog away from the victims. Warrants are out for the owner of the dangerous dog for failure to obey control requirements and failure to notify of reporting event. The owner recently told reporters that he was unaware of the warrants and would cooperate with police. The dog was allegedly injured in September’s attack.

Dangerous dog owners are required to register their dogs on the Virginia dangerous dogs registry. Their property needs to be officially marked as the home of a dangerous dog. When out for a walk, owners are required to muzzle their dangerous dogs. Some home insurance companies have their own requirements for dangerous dog owners.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a dog attack, a Virginia dog bite lawyer can help. Even a brief conversation with one of our attorneys can help clarify your rights and clear a path towards justice. A free, confidential consultation is just a phone call away.

Virginia Dog Bite Lawyer

A dog bite is a devastating experience, especially when the victim is a small child. Victims of dog attacks face serious physical injuries, permanent scarring, and emotional trauma. Our Virginia dog bite lawyers represent innocent victims throughout Virginia — children, delivery drivers, postal workers, joggers, pedestrians, and anyone else attacked by a dog.

If you or a loved one has been attacked, contact our Virginia dog bite lawyers to discuss your situation. The no obligation consultation is free. If we agree to take on your case, you don’t owe us any legal fees unless we win. Contact us today at 877-544-5323.