Dangerous Dogs in Your Neighborhood? Here's How to Find Out.

We all know that dangerous dogs exist, and we know that dog attacks happen with startling regularity in the United States. But is there a way we can determine where the nearest dangerous dog lives?

Thankfully, Virginia has such a database. The Virginia Dangerous Dog Registry is a database that provides citizens with information relating to the nearest dangerous dog or dogs in their neighborhood. As the website explains, “the Dangerous Dog Registry provides a mechanism for consumers to determine if dangerous dogs reside in their neighborhoods and for local animal control officials to post information about dogs that have been declared dangerous by the local court.”

The website explains that, according to the Code of Virginia, a “dangerous dog” is one that has attacked or injured a human or companion dog or cat, or one that has killed a companion dog or cat. Any owner who is found to have a legally-defined “dangerous dog” is required to register the animal in the database within 45 days and affix a tag to the dog in order to make identification easier. The owners of the dangerous dog are also required to notify animal control officials if the dog gets loose, bites another person, or is sold.

This website is a valuable resource for anyone who is aware of the dangers that vicious animals can pose. We shouldn’t have to live in fear in our own neighborhoods, and we should be aware of any dangerous animals who may reside nearby.

Still, dog attacks can happen. If you’ve been bitten or attacked by an aggressive or dangerous dog due to an owner’s negligence, it’s not your fault—the owner, not you, should have to pay. You may need help, however, in prosecuting the irresponsible pet owner. My Virginia personal injury law firm handles dog bite cases as a specialty; we know how to fight for you in order to ensure that you receive the compensation to which you are legally and morally entitled.

It’s vitally important to be aware of the laws and regulations governing dog bites and attacks. You can click here to read a list of frequently-asked questions (FAQs) regarding vicious dogs.